Featured Technology: WalkAide

WalkAide Fights the Effects of Foot Drop

Foot drop inhibits your ability to lift your foot naturally due to an interruption of the natural nerve-to-nerve muscle communication between the brain and leg. It is commonly associated with stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), incomplete spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy, and can impact a person’s energy, balance, and ability to carry out every day activities.

The WalkAide® System is an advanced, battery-operated single-channel electrical stimulator designed to provide immediate and dramatic improvement in walking. It works by restoring the lost communication between your brain and leg by sending electrical signals to the peroneal nerve, which controls movement in the ankle and foot. These gentle electrical impulses activate the muscles to automatically raise the foot at the appropriate time during each step for a smoother, more natural, and safer walking motion.

Benefits of the WalkAide System

  • Immediate and substantial improvement in walking ability
  • Faster walking for longer distances with less fatigue
  • Increased mobility, functionality, and overall independence

Using the WalkAide System

Our specially-trained clinicians fit and customize WalkAide to your individual walking pattern for the most natural, effective results.

The WalkAide System is small and easy to use. It consists of a battery-operated, single-channel electrical stimulator, two electrodes, and electrode leads. It is worn directly on your leg, with no need for surgery to establish connections with the device.. A specially-fitted cuff holds the system comfortably in place, and it can be worn discreetly under most clothing and in most situations. Wear it at home, at work, or while traveling—every environment you typically encounter in your daily life.

This is my miracle in a box. It gave me my life, and I’m just excited to see how far I can truly go. My possibilities are truly endless.

Tina Mann, Hanger Clinic patient

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