Pediatric Leg & Foot Braces

Our pediatric orthotic experts work with young patients ranging from infants to young adulthood offering a full range of leg and foot braces that address the unique needs of each child. Solutions range from preventative sport orthoses for young athletes to specialty orthoses to help treat chronic conditions and motor impairments, including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, down syndrome, and a variety of neuromuscular disorders. Our clinical experts work closely with you and your loved ones to set functional and mobility goals for your child.

​Depending on the severity of your child’s condition and the treatment goals, a leg and/or foot brace may be used to enhance mobility, improve alignment, correct abnormal walking patterns, protect and support your child’s bones and muscles, and help achieve physical therapy goals. Solutions may range from shoe inserts to ankle foot orthoses (AFO) to braces that continue further up the leg, including knee ankle foot orthoses (KAFO) or hip knee ankle foot orthoses (HKAFO).

AFOs are the most commonly prescribed orthosis and vary greatly in their design and types of materials used. AFOs may be solid or hinged at the ankle and may have a removable foot plate. Most AFOs are made of plastic but can also be made from leather, carbon fiber, silicone, or metal.

Our kid-friendly Scootz pediatric AFOs are custom made to comfortably fit your child and help them achieve their mobility goals. Silicone AFOs (SiAFO), which are only available at Hanger Clinic, protect children’s fragile skin. SiAFO products maintain stability while providing more flexibility than a traditional AFO, so they do not restrict crawling, kneeling, or pull-to-stand activities.

We also offer functional electrical stimulation (FES) solutions that provide advanced treatment for foot drop and can be used instead of, or along with, traditional AFOs.

At your fitting appointment, your clinician will provide detailed instructions on how to put on, take off, wear, clean, and care for your child’s leg or foot brace. They will discuss the importance of your child wearing their new device as well as kid-friendly tips for ensuring your child is comfortable in their new device and suggestions on finding the right shoe to pair with your child’s new brace to ensure optimal function.

Rather than trying to cover up or hide the orthosis, we encourage you to embrace it and make it fun! You can choose the color and design of most pieces of the orthosis; consider it a chance to express your child’s personality in a unique way. Your orthotist will have samples to show you, but you may want to select from these colors and patterns before your appointment.

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